Children’s Ministry
ARK (Ashley River Kids)
Ashley River Kids (ARK) partners with parents to introduce children to Jesus and help them to grow in their faith.
We provide a safe and loving environment for your children. All volunteers undergo a background check and are provided extensive training.
We teach your children the Bible and help them to take steps forward in their relationship with Jesus.
Each lesson, activity, and event helps your children to know Jesus, understand His Word, and encourage them to share Jesus' love with others.
Some of our ministries include Sunday School, Wednesday Night OASIS, Music and Missions, Vacation Bible School, Music Camp, and Summer Retreats.
Weekly Activities for Children:
Sunday - 9:00am Sunday School
Wednesday Night OASIS - 6:30pm
We believe that children are a gift. Our Nursery Ministry provides special care to infants and toddlers.
We seek to provide a safe, Christian atmosphere for the youngest members of our church family. We hope that our loving care for your children will allow you to participate in and use your talents in our various ministries.